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Dataset Weighting

This is naturally embedded in the data configuration format introduced in OpenNMT-py 2.0. Each entry of the data configuration will have its own weight. When building batches, we'll sequentially take weight example from each corpus.

Note: don't worry about batch homogeneity/heterogeneity, the bucketing mechanism is here for that reason. Instead of building batches one at a time, we will load bucket_size examples, sort them by length, build batches and then yield them in a random order.


In the following example, we will sequentially sample 7 examples from corpus_1, and 3 examples from corpus_2, and so on:

# <your_config>.yaml


# Corpus opts:
path_src: toy-ende/src-train1.txt
path_tgt: toy-ende/tgt-train1.txt
weight: 7
path_src: toy-ende/src-train1.txt
path_tgt: toy-ende/tgt-train1.txt
weight: 3
path_src: toy-ende/src-val.txt
path_tgt: toy-ende/tgt-val.txt