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How can I create custom on-the-fly data transforms?

The code is easily extendable with custom transforms inheriting from the Transform base class.

You can for instance have a look at the FilterTooLongTransform and the corresponding FilterTooLongConfig classes as a template:

class FilterTooLongConfig(TransformConfig):
src_seq_length: int | None = Field(
default=192, description="Maximum source sequence length."
tgt_seq_length: int | None = Field(
default=192, description="Maximum target sequence length."


class FilterTooLongTransform(Transform):
"""Filter out sentence that are too long."""

config_model = FilterTooLongConfig

def __init__(self, config):

def _parse_config(self):
self.src_seq_length = self.config.src_seq_length
self.tgt_seq_length = self.config.tgt_seq_length

def apply(self, example, is_train=False, stats=None, **kwargs):
"""Return None if too long else return as is."""
if len(example["src"]) > self.src_seq_length or (
example["tgt"] is not None and len(example["tgt"]) > self.tgt_seq_length - 2
if stats is not None:
return None
return example

def _repr_args(self):
"""Return str represent key arguments for class."""
return "{}={}, {}={}".format(
"src_seq_length", self.src_seq_length, "tgt_seq_length", self.tgt_seq_length


  • _parse_opts allows to parse options from the config_model;
  • apply is where the transform happens;
  • _repr_args is for clean logging purposes.

As you can see, there is the @register_transform wrapper before the class definition. This will allow for the class to be automatically detected (if put in the proper transforms folder) and usable in your training configurations through its name argument.

You could also collect statistics for your custom transform by creating a class inheriting ObservableStats:

class FilterTooLongStats(ObservableStats):
"""Runing statistics for FilterTooLongTransform."""
__slots__ = ["filtered"]

def __init__(self):
self.filtered = 1

def update(self, other: "FilterTooLongStats"):
self.filtered += other.filtered


  • Add elements to keep track in the __init__ and also __slot__ to make it lightweight;
  • Supply update logic in update method;
  • (Optional) override __str__ to change default log message format;
  • Instantiate and passing the statistic object in the apply method of the corresponding transform class;
  • statistics will be gathered per corpus per worker, but only first worker will report for its shard by default.

The example argument of apply is a dict of the form:

"src": <source string>,
"tgt": <target string>,
"align": <alignment pharaoh string> # optional

This is defined in eole.inputters.text_corpus.ParallelCorpus.load. This class is not easily extendable for now but it can be considered for future developments. For instance, we could create some CustomParallelCorpus class that would handle other kind of inputs.