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How do I use Pretrained embeddings (e.g. GloVe)?

This is handled in the initial steps of the onmt_train execution.

Pretrained embeddings can be configured in the main YAML configuration file.


  1. Get GloVe files:
mkdir "glove_dir"
unzip -d "glove_dir"
  1. Adapt the configuration:
# <your_config>.yaml

<Your data config...>


# this means embeddings will be used for both encoder and decoder sides
both_embeddings: glove_dir/glove.6B.100d.txt
# to set src and tgt embeddings separately:
# src_embeddings: ...
# tgt_embeddings: ...

# supported types: GloVe, word2vec
embeddings_type: "GloVe"

# word_vec_size need to match with the pretrained embeddings dimensions
word_vec_size: 100

  1. Train:
eole train -config <your_config>.yaml


  • the matched embeddings will be saved at <save_data> and <save_data>;
  • additional flags freeze_word_vecs_enc and freeze_word_vecs_dec are available to freeze the embeddings.