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What special tokens are used?

In the v2, special tokens were different for SEQ2SEQ and LM: LM was BOS, PAD, EOS with IDs (0, 1, 2) and the first vocab token started at id=3 SEQ2SEQ was UNK, PAD, BOS, EOS with IDs (0, 1, 2, 3) and first vocab token started at id=4

In v3 we changed this behavior to align things: group.add( "--default_specials", "-default_specilas", nargs="+", type=str, default=[ DefaultTokens.UNK, DefaultTokens.PAD, DefaultTokens.BOS, DefaultTokens.EOS, ])

When we train a SEQ2SEQ model we use: SRC: srctok1 srctok2 srctok3 .... srctokn TGT: BOS tgttok1 tgttok2 ..... tgttokm EOS But when training a LM SRC: BOS srctok1 srctok2 srctok3 .... srctokn TGT: srctok1 srctok2 srctok3 .... srctokn EOS

Having said that, sometimes we need to finetune models (eg: NLLB-200, Llama, ...) with existing vocab and special tokens are not the same.

ex with NLLB-200 BOS id=0 PAD id=1 EOS id=2 UNK id=3 And the decoder start token is EOS () which means in fact that the BOS is never used. At training, TGT needs to start with EOS instead of BOS in the default OpenNMT-py config.

Example of Llama UNK id=0 BOS id=1 EOS id=2 There was no PAD but to avoid conflicts we forced PAD id=3 (which was token '<0x00>' in the original llama tokenizer)