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How to use LoRa and 8bit loading to finetune a big model ?

Cf paper: LoRa

LoRa is a mechanism that helps to finetune bigger model on a single GPU card by limiting the anmount of VRAM needed. The principle is to make only a few layers trainable (hence reducing the amount of required memory especially for the Adam optimizer)

You need to train_from a model (for instance NLLB-200 3.3B) and use the following options:

  • lora_layers: ['linear_values', 'linear_query'] these are the two layers of the Self-Attention module the paper recommend to make trainable.
  • lora_rank: 2
  • lora_dropout: 0.1 or any value you can test
  • lora_alpha: 1 or any value you can test
  • lora_embedding: true makes Embeddings LoRa compatible, hence trainable in the case you use update_vocab: true or if you want to finetune Embeddings as well.

Bitsandbytes enables quantization of Linear layers. For more information: Also you can read the blog post here:

You need to add the following option:

  • quant_layers: ['up_proj', 'down_proj', 'linear_values', 'linear_query']
  • quant_type: ['bnb_NF4']

You can for instane quantize the layers of the PositionWise Feed-Forward from the Encoder/Decoder and the key/query/values/final from the Multi-head attention. Choices for quantization are ["bnb_8bit", "bnb_FP4", "bnb_NF4"]